If you’ve never ridden horses before, you might be surprised to learn that horseback riding isn’t just something you can take up for sport or a hobby only accessible to those who can afford a horse. In fact, it’s something that’s accessible to everyone— and it has more health benefits than you’d think! We know because at Happy Horse, we’re not just committed to making our horses happy, we want to bring joy to people too. That’s why we bring people and horses together for the creation of new friendships that can last a lifetime. Are you curious yet? Keep reading for a few of our favorite reasons why horses make you happy.
Horses Are Cheaper Than Therapy
Okay, that’s a joke. But it’s kind of true! And— plot twist— horseback riding is actually as a form of therapy for a number of problems ranging from sensory disorders and autism to cerebral palsy and post traumatic stress disorder! As horse trainer Tony Golcazk confirms, therapeutic horseback riding is especially beneficial to children with autism spectrum disorders because the repetitive movements of the horse can not only be soothing to those with sensory issues, it can help to stimulate cognitive function as well. For those who feel trapped in their own heads, whether through the inability to communicate (as is the case with some forms of autism) or the sense of being paralyzed by depression or anxiety, horseback riding offers a safe and sensory-friendly way to move and communicate with the outside world. Golcazk also states that horses are finely tuned to people’s emotions and respond with empathy, affirming, “The horses know—honest to god, I don’t care what anybody says—they know that there’s somebody on them that has problems, and they take to them.”
So, put simply, why is horseback riding so effective? Well, when read in conjunction with reports like Golcazk’s on the effect of therapeutic riding and studies like this one conducted by the British Horse Society, it’s because horses just make you happy! In fact, over 80% of participants in the study confirmed that, after riding, they felt “cheerful, relaxed, happy, or active,” and also reported higher levels of these positive feelings during riding than during many other moments of their everyday lives.
Some attribute the happiness experienced during riding to a type of “rider’s high,” similar to “runner’s high” and triggered by a release of positive endorphins in the brain, while others— like Washington State University— point to studies which prove that horseback riding actually relieves stress. But how does that function in practice? Well, one possible explanation— and, in our opinionion, the most likely one— is that it stems from the sense of companionship. Horseback riding is the best of both worlds because it combines the activity and exercise of engaging in a sport with the comfort and companionship found in interacting with a pet. Not only do you get the benefit of connecting with nature and engaging with a new, fun activity, you get to make a new friend at the same time!
Horseback riding may also be more accessible than traditional forms of therapy because, despite common misconceptions, you don’t have to own a horse to ride one. Whether you take a scenic guided riding tour as part of a vacation package or check out some basic riding lessons at a local stable, you can enjoy all the psychological benefits of riding for a fraction of what it would cost to own your own horse. So, while we’re by no means suggesting that your horse take the place of a licensed mental health professional who might be able to help, we are saying that maybe the next time you catch yourself feeling anxious or depressed, it might help to get out of your head and onto a horse!
Horseback Riding has Physical Benefits Too!
We’re all a little happier when our health is good, and you might be surprised to see just how much horseback riding actually does for improving your physical health. Because although it might look as easy as just sitting on a horse, riding is actually classified as a type of moderate-intensity exercise. So, while you’re sitting, you’re actually doing the equivalent of a quick run of the treadmill! (I don’t know about you, but I’d always rather sit and get points for exercising!) It works because staying upright on a horse works your core, causing you to move in tune with your horse and adjust according to their body’s movements.
Even small movements like switching your reins from hand to hand, guiding your horse, or changing direction are stretching and strengthening your back, shoulders, thighs, calves, and abdominal muscles. (Wow!)
Riding Benefits Your Self-Esteem
Although this effect is most beneficial and most commonly seen in elementary school children and young teenage girls, a lot of adults benefit from the self-esteem boost of horseback riding too. That’s because the core tenets which boost a rider’s self-esteem remain the same: it teaches a new skill, provides riders with that “I can do this!” feeling, and bolsters confidence through the mastery of something new. Unlike some other skills or hobbies, horseback riding isn’t something you can fake until you make it and it’s not a skill you can master unless you’ve truly it. Instead, horseback riding provides tangible evidence of skill, knowledge, and perseverance that a rider can look back on with pride. When people are able to remind themselves of their ability to learn, grow, and succeed, their sense of self worth is restored, leading to a happier outlook on life overall.
So, whether you’re struggling with something in your life or you’d just like to learn a new hobby, the great thing is that you can’t go wrong with horseback riding! Because as long as you come prepared to put in the work and get to know your horse, you’re guaranteed to leave happier and healthier every time you ride.